Software - Copyright by Klaus Reiner Schenk-Hoppé
Software used in published and submitted articles:
- MATLAB scripts and C++ programs used for the numerical simulation of the firm life cycle model.
Last update November 2011. Accompanies the paper
"Firm Life Cycles Under Additive Shocks" (Klaus Reiner Schenk-Hoppé and Urs Schweri) Working Paper No. 659. National Centre of Competence in Research ``Financial Valuation and Risk Management,'' Switzerland. Revised version November 2011.
- MATLAB scripts and C++ programs used for the numerical simulation of optimal consumption paths.
Last update August 2010. Accompanies the paper
"Consumption Paths under Prospect Utility in an Optimal Growth Model" (Reto Foellmi, Rina Rosenblatt-Wisch and Klaus Reiner Schenk-Hoppé) Working Paper No. 237. National Centre of Competence in Research ``Financial Valuation and Risk Management,'' Switzerland. Revised version August 2010.
- MATLAB scripts for the numerical simulation of the monetary "baby-sitting" economy.
Last update January 2005. Accompanies the paper
"The Great Capitol Hill Baby Sitting Co-op: Anecdote or Evidence for the Optimum Quantity of Money?" (Thorsten Hens, Klaus Reiner Schenk-Hoppé and Bodo Vogt)
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 39, 1305-1333, 2007.
- MATLAB scripts for business cycle simulation in the stochastic Solow model. Last update December 2001. Accompanies my paper "Economic Growth and Business Cycles: A Critical Comment on Detrending Time Series."
Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics 5, 75-86, 2001.
- Software for the simulation of the stochastic Solow model.
Last update February 2000. Accompanies
my paper "Is There a Golden Rule for the Stochastic Solow Growth Model?"
Macroeconomic Dynamics, 6, 457-475, 2002.
for a numerical study of the stochastic Brusselator (with Gabriele Bleckert). Last update November 1998. Accompanies
the paper "The Stochastic Brusselator: Parametric Noise Destroys Hopf Bifurcation" (Ludwig
Arnold, Gabriele Bleckert and Klaus Reiner Schenk-Hoppé). In Stochastic Dynamics (H. Crauel and V. M. Gundlach, eds.), pages 71-92, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1999.
Software used in other projects.
I'm open to any criticisms or helpful suggestions,
but please be aware that some projects are quite old.
- MATLAB scripts for the simulation of an OLG model of economic growth and business cycles.
Last update August 2000. This web site accompanies
the Working Paper No. 54, Institute for Empirical Research in Economics,
University of Zurich, August 2000.
- MATLAB scripts for the simulation of an OLG model with stochastic production.
Last update December 1999. This web site accompanies
the paper "Business Cycle Phenomena in Overlapping Generations Economies with
Stochastic Production" (joint with Jens-Ulrich Peter). Working Paper No. 30, Institute for Empirical Research in Economics,
University of Zurich. Revised version December 2001.
- A user's guide (joint with Volker Böhm).
Handbook for the dynamical systems visualization software MACRODYN.
Discussion Paper No. 400, Fakultät für
Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Universität Bielefeld, 1998.
Bifurcations of the Randomly Perturbed Logistic Map - Numerical Study
and Visualizations. Last update December 1997. This web site
contains several pictures and explanations. It accompanies my
Discussion Paper No. 353, Fakultät für
Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Universität Bielefeld.