MATLAB scripts for business cycle simulation
in the stochastic Solow model
May 2001. Last update December 11, 2001.
This software accompanies my paper
Economic Growth and Business Cycles:
A Critical Comment on Detrending Time Series.
Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics 5, forthcoming.
The software comes either in a zipped archive or as single files. You will need
MATLAB 5.3 to run the simulations. It is
recommended to first read the readme.txt file
(and the article) before running the simulations.
If you cannot unzip the archive, you may download each file separately.
ASCII files of the data are also available.
For a documentation see the file readme_ascii_data.txt
that is also part of the zipped archive.
If you cannot unzip the archive, you may download files separately.